Friday, June 26, 2009


Continuous belt sieve with automatic suction system and high-pressure cleaning for constant optimum air circulation conditions. No energy-consuming air resistance with increasing sieve soiling.

For a constantly high drying capacity, even with high fabric speeds and extreme linting. For further relief of the operating personnel from maintenance work and for a lower energy consumption.


Continuous belt sieve with automatic suction system and high-pressure cleaning for constant optimum air circulation conditions. No energy-consuming air resistance with increasing sieve soiling.

For a constantly high drying capacity, even with high fabric speeds and extreme linting. For further relief of the operating personnel from maintenance work and for a lower energy consumption.


Mit der neuen integrierten Wärmerückgewinnung untermauert Monforts wieder einmal seine Vorreiterrolle bei innovativen Konzepten für mehr Ökonomie und mehr Ökologie. Dabei wird die im Thermoprozess entstehende und in der Abluft enthaltene Abwärme über die in die Spannrahmenkammer integrierten Abluftkanäle direkt in den Luft/Luft-Wärmetauscher geleitet. Der neue Monforts-Wärmetauscher in platzsparender Rechteck-Bauweise (System Koenig) ist in die Dachkonstruktion des Spannrahmens integriert. Er ist selbsttragend und benötigt keine aufwändigen Sekundärinstallationen für ein Tragegerüst. Ein automatisches Reinigungssystem (Patent angemeldet) reinigt den Wärmetauscher selbsttätig in einstellbaren Intervallen (Option).


Anlage zur Fixierung von Glasfasergewebe (Geotextilien, Tapeten, Rollos)

Anlage zur Behandlung von Geotextilien


Vorbehandlungsanlage zum Trocknen und Fixieren von Airbag - Gewebe

Anlage zur Universalbeschichtung von Webwaren (z.B. LKW-Plane) und flächenstabilen Substraten (Vliese)


Kombinierte Anlage Spannrahmen/Bandtrockner. Zum Ausrüsten und Verfestigen von Kunstleder

Anlage zur Feinbeschichtung von Flachgewebe und zur Rückenverfestigung von Plüschartikeln

Multifunktionale Anlage zum Ausrüsten und Beschichten von Berufskleidung und Sportswear

Universal - Beschichtunsganlage für Web- und Machenwaren

Monforts Denim-Ausrüstung mit VACU-FOAM

Die umwelt- und energiebewußte Ausrüstungs- und Krumpfmethode zur Erzielung höchster Qualitätsansprüche:
Nur die für den Prozeß erforderliche Feuchtigkeitsmenge wird - zusammen mit den Ausrüstungsmitteln - über Schaum auf die Ware gebracht. Das bedeutet 80% Einsparung von Wasser und Energie gegenüber der traditionellen Denim-Ausrüstungsmethode. Ökokrumpfen auf Hochleistungs-Gummiband-Krumpfanlagen in Single- oder Tandemausführung für Warengeschwindigkeiten bis 60 Meter pro Minute.

Monforts Denim-Ausrüstung mit VACU-FOAM®:
Im Einsatz bei den bekanntesten Denim-Spetzialisten der Welt.
Fragen Sie nach unserer Referenzliste.


Das VACU-FOAM®-Aggregat besteht aus drei Hauptbestandteilen
dem Schaumerzeuger mit einer Fördereinheit
dem Schaumauftragungsaggregat mit Rakeleinrichtung
der automatischen Prozeßsteuerung zur ProduktionsüberwachungIm Schaumerzeuger wird durch Zusatz eines speziellen Schaummittels die Schaummasse mit einem definierten Litergewicht erzeugt. Der Schaum wird über einen traversierenden Schlauch vor einem Rakelmesser (2) auf dem Gummituch (3) des VACU-FOAM®-Aggregats abgelegt und in konstanter Höhe einer Vakuumtrommel (4) zugeführt. Die Ware (1) läuft im sogenannten Sandwich-Verfahren zwischen undurchlässigem Gummituch (3) und Vacu-Trommel (4) durch das Aggregat. Dabei wird der Schaum gleichmäßig durch die Ware (1) gesaugt. So erhält die Ware nur die zur Ausrüstung erforderliche Menge an Chemikalien und Feuchte. Das ist Hi-tec for payback.

Ihr payback durch VACU-FOAM®-Technik:
reduzierte Flottenaufnahme
reduzierte Trocknungskosten (keine Zwischentrocknung erforderlich)
weiter gesteigerte Produktionsgeschwindigkeit
geringere Migrationsprobleme
reduzierter Wasserverbrauch
reduzierter Chemikalienverbrauch
reduzierte Abwasserbelastung


Traditionelle Denim

mit Zylindertrocknern -
die traditionelle und bewährte Ausrüstungs- und Krumpfmethode in einem Arbeitsgang.

Für höchste Qualitätsstandards. Die Ware wird im Foulard benetzt. Anschließend wird das überschüssige Wasser auf einem Zylindertrockner verdampft. Ökokrumpfen auf Hochleistungs-Gummiband-Krumpfanlagen in Single- oder Tandemausführung für Warengeschwindigkeiten bis 80 Meter pro Minute

Denim Anwendungsgebiete

Mit moderner Anlagentechnik und innovativer Anwendungstechnik kann Denim heute wesentlich einfacher und effektiver ausgerüstet werden als bisher. Traditionelle Verfahrensschritte lassen sich komplett eliminieren. Dabei spielt die aufeinander abgestimmte Monforts-Technik eine Schlüsselrolle.

Die neue Thermex-Hotflue mit integrierter Reckwerk-Einrichtung "Long Stretch" eignet sich mit ihren speziellen konstruktiven Details besonders zur Denim-Veredlung. Mit wesentlich geringeren Reckkräften als in einem Reckwerk wird die Ware schonend behandelt. Resultat: Endbreite und Warenausfall mit exaktem Schussfadenverzug. Die Trocknungsbehandlung in der Hotflue erlaubt eine wesentlich genauere Temperatursteuerung als herkömmliche Trocknungsmethoden und damit höhere Restfeuchte-Genauigkeiten vor dem Krumpfen.
Bei der Kombination mit Vacu Foam Schaumauftragsanlagen lässt sich in Verbindung mit der Hotflue-Trocknung eine höhere Produktionsgeschwindigkeit erzielen.

Die Trocknung von Denim in der Hotflue erfordert wesentlich weniger Platz als bei anderen Anlagensystemen. Bei elasthanfaserhaltigen Denim-Artikeln ist ein Fixierschritt zur Flächenstabilisierung möglich, indem man die Ware in der Hotflue aufheizt und auf einem kurzen Spannteil die Breite kontrolliert fixiert.

Ausgewählte Anlagenbeispiele zu neuen Ausrüstungsmethoden für Denim:
Anlage mit Schaumauftrag. Hotflue mit Reckwerkfunktion. Für klassische Webware. Auch für Webwaren mit Elasthanfasern im Schuss, wenn diese vorher gewaschen und getrocknet wurden. Ohne Fixierung des Elasthan-Anteils. Ohne Fixierung des Lycra-Anteils.
Anlagenausführung für Artikel aus 100 % Co und Baumwolle mit Elasthanfasern. Mit Waschmaschinen und Hotflue-/Spannrahmen-Kombination als Fixierteil für die Baumwoll-/Elasthan-Ware.
Anlagenausführung für verschiedene Behandlungsprozesse. Mit Waschmaschinen und Hotflue-/Spannrahmenkombination in Kontinue-Anordnung für die Fixierung des Elasthan-Anteils. Monforts bietet komplette Veredlungslinien zum Ausrüsten, Überfärben, Abziehen, Bleichen, Entschlichten, Mercerisieren und zum Fixieren.

Monforts to Highlight its Energy Saving Solutions at Shanghaitex

A.Monforts Textilmaschinen will be participating at Shanghaitex, Shanghai June 12 - 15 Hall.
A.Monforts Textilmaschinen will be participating at Shanghaitex in Shanghai, June 12 – 15 as part of the German Engineering Federation (VDMA); highlighting its energy saving solutions in textiles dyeing and finishing. These will include its integrated heat recovery modules and exhaust air cleaning units to reduce energy consumption and clean the exhaust air of thermo finishing ranges. Where space may be a premium Monforts has introduced a ‘stand alone’ Energy Tower for retrofitting to existing stenters or hotflues with restricted access above the units. Energy Towers have been designed to be positioned alongside the stenter or hotflue and feature five integrated heat recovery modules. Capitalising on the high temperature of the exhaust air, savings of up to 30% in energy costs can be achieved. Monforts will also give emphasis to its latest Montex TT stenter for technical textiles featuring a specially developed nozzle system for coating applications as well as outstanding maintenance features. Using secure internet links with the latest software reverse proxy technology, together with the installation of a web cam and headphones, allows a real two-way conversation through secure firewalls between the operator and the Monforts engineer. This allows the operator to go to the part of the machine experiencing the problem allowing on-site diagnosis and dialogue. Direct access to Monforts on-line internet system offers the advantage of same time zones for the Service Manager ensuring faster response times. New software updates can be easily downloaded.

New Monforts finishing for Benetton in Tunisia

Having ravaged then rebuilt Carthage more than 2000 years ago, the Romans left a lasting legacy for Tunisia with its amphitheatres, baths, villas, statues and mosaics around the country. Today the Italians are back laying the foundations for a new legacy with the United Colours of Benetton for the 21st century.
Benetton Manufacturing Tunisia has recently started production in its purpose-built 14,000 m2 dyeing and finishing facility in Mokine, Monistir with two Montex finishing lines and a DynAir relaxation dryer from A. Monforts Textilmaschinen. The recent order follows the decision by Benetton to invest in opening a dyeing and finishing facility in Tunisia – having previously relied on its two Italian operations providing finished fabrics for garment make up in the North African country. Extensive comparisons between several manufacturers were made by Benetton before placing the order with Monforts local representative Sacconaghi Monaco. The new facility handles single jersey, piquet, rib and fleece, mostly in open width but also with a limited quantity of tubular cottons for its world renown United Colors of Benetton design range. The new DynAir is allowing Benetton to achieve the critical shrinkage values specified for its upmarket knitwear. The DynAir drying line is optimised for the relaxation shrinking of knitted fabrics in either open width or tubular form. Its special guidance systems feature dynamic pulsating air current which allow the fabric to simply glide through the dryer completely ‘skew-free’. According to Finishing Manager, Claudio Pramdi and his Deputy, Gigi Pagliorescu, the 4-chamber DynAir is “exceptionale, without a doubt its ‘numero uno”, they both agree. Benetton also has two new Montex 6500 stenters – one a 6-chamber unit. The second line includes an 8-chamber stenter and a Sanfor range. Both lines also incorporate continuous inspection units. Operating at faster speeds than the shorter Montex, the second line is used for heat setting and also provides Benetton with a special ‘classified’ finishing technique for elasticated fabrics. No secret however, is the significant energy savings provided by both stenters integrated exhaust heat recovery systems, fitted as standard on all new Montex stenters. The hot exhaust emissions are circulated through the heat recovery system to heat fresh air entering the stenter chambers; providing a significant reduction in energy costs of up to 30% and avoiding unpleasant vapour condensation. Dyed and finished fabrics in rolls up to 196 cm and 215 m are transported to other Benetton ‘make-up’ facilities around Tunisia before shipment to Italy for worldwide exports. Cuffs and collars are also produced on smaller 58 cm wide fabric rolls. Both stenters also feature Monforts service portal ‘online assistance’ offering an advanced secure internet link with the latest reverse proxy technology. Together with the installation of a web cam and headphones, the operator can have a two-way conversation with the Monforts engineer, in the event of a failure; allowing the operator to be at the part of the machine experiencing the problem in allowing on-site diagnosis and dialogue. Benetton has been based in Tunisia since 1994 choosing North Africa as its base for its close proximity to Europe, low labour costs and political stability. -ends- MON485A.doc

Softcoating solution eliminates padder for Santens

Monforts Softcoating unit bypasses padder to ensure significant energy savings and reduced quantities of softener for Belgium’s leading ‘terry’ specialist, Santens.
Europe’s leading manufacturer of terry towelling products, Santens, has recently installed a Monforts Softcoating unit in its continuous dyeing line, bypassing the padder and ensuring significant energy savings with the reduction in moisture content and reduced quantities of softener. Formed in 1913 by Jean Baptiste Santens manufacturing cotton fabrics, handkerchiefs and kitchen cloths, the company introduced a range of terry towelling products in 1927. Today from its 70,000 m2 centrally located facility in Belgium’s historic city and centre of textile production, Oudenaarde, Santens is producing the equivalent of a million towels a week. With its own in-house weaving operation, dyeing and finishing house, make-up and packaging, the company specialises in plain dyed terry, as well as yarn dyed jacquard towels and a wide range of beach, bath and kitchen towels, plus snag-resistant towelling for bathrobes. At the same time Santens also introduced bamboo yarns offering a superior product to cotton with a higher softness and absorption; making it Europe’s only bamboo yarn producer for towelling. Although only a small but growing sector with Santens producing around 5t/day of high quality bamboo terry, the company recognised the increased benefits of a more cost effective bamboo and cotton mix yarn; enhancing even further the cotton terry products. Operation Once sized to prevent yarn breakages and washing, the yarn is processed through the continuous dyeing line featuring the newly installed Monforts Softcoating unit at the end of the line. “We had always used a padder – with a 2-roller or 3-roller system – at the end of the line before the fabric is processed through the continuous tumbling line to soften the terry product; ensuring good handling and fluffing’,” said Dyeing Manager, Johan de Smijter. He went on to explain that with the padder becoming less efficient, the company undertook a feasibility study to evaluate alternative process solutions including new softening and spray techniques. “The preferred option was the Softcoating unit supplied by Monforts and ordered through the local representative Le Clair & Meert NV,” he confirmed. The new process using trough and roller techniques, applies just the required amount of liquid/coating to the fabric via contact with the roller. First launched a ITMA 2009, it has been designed to offer three options – to apply a liquid/coating to one side of the fabric; to apply a liquid to both sides of the fabric; and to apply a liquid to one side and a different liquid to the other side. Applications for the Monforts process include nano coating, water repellency, softeners and pigment dyeing. The soft coating process could, for example, apply soil-to-water repellency to one side of the fabric and softener or water absorption, respectively, to the second side. For Santens the new Monforts process eliminates the need for the padder, applying the softener via a roller. The fabric passes through two ‘troughs’ – one for each side of the terry and is continuously read and automatically adjusted for the correct moisture content by three sets of digital readers throughout the process. Because the existing padder was installed in the dyeing line, it was decided to continue the process by installing the Softcoating unit in the line, with the terry run bypassing the padder. “Further,” said Johan, “It meant we only needed one unit instead of two had we installed it in the inlets of the two stenter lines.” The disadvantage of the padder system was the high moisture content in the terry passing into the tumbler line. “As a result,” he confirmed, “We are already recognising the benefits of the Monforts system with at least a 20% reduction in moisture content ensuring significant energy savings, particularly in the tumbling line which can run at faster speeds with reduced drying times increasing productivity.” Since the softener ‘pick-up’ is also applied at the exact strength and, on top of the pile on both sides of the terry instead of saturating the fabric, Santens is also able to make large savings in the reduction of softener required. The company produces a wide range of terry towelling products ranging from 1 m x 1.50 m beach towels, 1.30 m x 0.70 m bathroom towels, 1 m x 0.50 m standard towels, 30 cm x 30 cm face towels, handgloves, knitted bathrobes and bath mats. Towel fabric weights can also vary from 300 – 600 gm/m2 with bath mats ranging between 900 – 1400 gm/m2. The Monforts Montex stenter is used by Santens to straighten the fabric at the end of the production process, according to Mr de Smijter. He elaborated, “We have tried automatic registration in the past but they do not work well with towelling and its unique ‘bowing’ effect caused in the continuous bleaching and dyeing lines.” “We therefore rely on the knowledge and experience of our operators to gauge and set the correct tension and chains,” he concluded. -ends- MON486A.doc


Going the extra mile for the famous crocodileLacoste pique knitwear is benefiting from a new Monforts DynAir system at Devanlay's French plant.
A new Monforts DynAir relaxation dryer is resulting in new-found flexibility for Devanlay at its key manufacturing plant in Troyes, 180km south east of Paris in France. It is also allowing the company to achieve the critical shrinkage values specified for its upmarket knitwear. The DynAir drying line is optimised for the relaxation shrinking of knitted fabrics in either open-width or tubular form and its special air guidance system has dynamic pulsating air currents which allow the fabric to simply glide through the dryer completely skew-free. Lacoste’s L1212 jersey petit pique knit polo shirts revolutionised sportswear back in the 1930s and also set the ball rolling for the conspicuous branding to be found on clothing today – the crocodile motif being the very first to appear on the outside of a garment. Since the year 2000, Devanlay has been solely responsible for the design, manufacture and distribution of Lacoste-branded clothing, with a worldwide licence that extends until the year 2025. Other companies have similar licences for the Lacoste brand, such as Procter & Gamble for perfume, Samsonite for leather goods and Pentland for footwear, and in total in 2007, some 58 million articles bearing the crocodile were sold – the equivalent of two items every second and achieving wholesale sales of Euros1.557 billion. Clothing, however, remains the largest area, representing over 58% of the sales. There are now also over 1,000 dedicated Lacoste shops around the globe, with items marketed in a further 2,000 corners. And the number keeps growing. In 2000 Devanlay gave up other interests in order to focus solely on supplying Lacoste products from locations in France, Peru, Tunisia, Morocco, Romania and China. Some 19 million separate items pass through the Devanlay plants each year. The knitting plant in Troyes is equipped with 51 circular knitting machines and 76 flat knitting units with an output of more than 12 tons of fabric a day. With Lacoste introducing items in more than 50 different colours each season – from standard shades to bold and vivid new options – the dyeing and finishing department at Troyes is critical to operations. Monforts previously supplied the plant with a Montex stenter and a Toptex compressive shrinking system and this year delivered the DynAir three-chamber relaxation dryer in a width of 2.4 metres. This has replaced an older and less flexible dryer and has been in operation without problems for half a year, reports Devanlay knitting and dyehouse manager Jean-Christophe Tripier. “We made a lot of tests at the Monforts research and development centre in Mönchengladbach to be sure we could achieve what we were after in terms of shrinkability and drying efficiency, in addition to making gains in respect of gas and electricity consumption,” he said. The DynAir system is also suitable for all of the fabrics we produce here, which provides us with more options in production scheduling.” Tubular knits are processed in widths of 60-100mm and open width fabrics in widths of 160-220mm at Troyes, with fabric weights in the range of 80-350 gsm. All products are 100% cotton or cotton with Lycra. Another advantage of the new 2-4-metre-wide DynAir dryer is that Devanlay can now run two batches of its tubular fabric together through the machine, resulting in considerable savings. “The flexibility of this unit is a big plus for us compared to the old dryer and we are now achieving the same level of quality across all of our lines,” Mr Tripier said. “The control of shrinkage is also most important to us, and we have been achieving shrinkage values of 3-4% in length and 2-3% in width on pique knits working at 95 degrees Centigrade. We have been quite surprised at the consistency of these results.” The DynAir is also being used in a resin coating process employed at Troyes to provide the fabrics with improved shrinkage, pilling and wash-fastness properties. Mr Tripier said that production at the Troyes plant has increased by 30% for the past four years. “Obviously, only having one customer is a big advantage in terms of knowing well in advance our production schedules,” he said. “It also means we can be more exacting in our quality standards and in our expectations of the technology we require to achieve them.”


Programmable logic process controller (PLC). Expandable and adaptable for practically all tasks arising in modern textile finishing. Here a few examples:
Programmable control functions n Storage of set-up data sets
Integration of setting values for measuring and control devices
Batch management n Network interfacing
Automatic nozzle pressure control n Prepared for teleservice n Maintenance manager
iTEC interfacing with wireless LAN network
Two-loop system via touch-panels

Minimum Residual Shrinking

Monfortex and Toptex shrinkage units for woven and knitted fabrics and in special versions for denim are preferred by quality-oriented finishers worldwide.

The main benefits are the outstanding performance values for achieving a reproducible minimum residual shrinkage.This is also underlined by the specifications of international shrinkage standards that in most cases are far surpassed by Monfortex and Toptex ranges.

And even better: Minimum residual shrinkage values and highest reproducibility are achieved using environmentally safe process engineering.

Chamber Configuration

Basic configuration
Modular design, thus adaptable to changing performance requirements at any time
Optimum accessibility
Space-saving construction
Only 1,850 mm overall height for "single" version, 3,700 mm for "double" version
Bypass flaps (optional)
CADstreamE nozzle pneumatically adjustable (option)
Mechanical and electrical equipment
All drive elements are located outside the treatment chamber and are accessible from outside the machine
No lubrication points in the chamber
All drive motors of maintenance-free design
Energy management
Special panellings of 150 mm thick, high-density insulating material for minimum heat radiation
Careful sealing of all connecting points and chamber accesses Steam injection (option)
For further improvement of the relaxation behaviour and fabric hand
TwinAir Plus (option)
The outstanding success of the TwinAir system for separate air control for top and bottom air has now been further optimised. The air volume leaving the fabric is split in the middle of the fabric and returned to the filter and heating system by separate routes, thus further improving the air discharge beha viour

Dynair Relaxation Dryer

DynAir twin-belt dryers with the Montex modular construction are designed for relaxation shrinking of knitted fabrics with feed in either open/wide or tubular form. A special air guidance system with dynamic pulsating air currents allows the fabric to glide through the dryer in a sinusoidal wave (SID System).

The DynAir 6000 now offers new details for a better fabric finish and even less maintenance. For the finishing of knitted fabrics with feed in either open/wide or tubular form. Skew-free fabric transport through the treatment chamber, even with up to 7 tubular webs alongside one another. Air current from pulsed nozzles create a tumbler-like drying effect. With innovative lifting doors, indirect gas heating system, integrated exhaust air ducts and Conticlean endless sieve belt cleaning (options). Another new feature is also the weighing scray with load cell technology downline of the dryer. In proven Montex modular design with 150 mm insulated panellings and a large number of possible inlet and outlet configurations.
With conventional Qualitex 540 control system - also with Touchscreen control - and with Qualitex 740 process control. The Montex DynAir is a dryer with tumbler-like characteristics - a further contribution to improving fabric quality, reducing production costs and an environment-conscious use of energy geared to the process.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hightech Stenter Chain

Chain track guide 100 mm high (H100)
Option 60 mm high (H60) for reduced nozzle distance (only possible with pin operation).This arrangement results in higher evaporation rates with the same electric energy consumption

"Marathon" Chain
Absolutely lubrication-free and maintenance-free chain
Production speed up to 150 m/min
The chain guide tracks are also lubrication-free and maintenance-free over the full service life of the Montex

Pin version

Fabric Transport Drives

All fabric transport drives are equipped as standard with frequency-controlled 3-phase AC motors.

Fabric effect / operation
The chain is simple to clean,
Set up processes are easy due to controlled start-up and fabric positioning.
All types of fabrics may be precisely run and controlled by the four-quadrant drive and three-phase A.C. motor.
Consistent fabric tension is maintained during starting and stopping as well as emergency stop or power failure.


Central process control system (software) for production planning and documentation with a central interface. All process data can be stored in a standardised database (ODBC = Open Data Base Connectivity) where all setpoints and actual values are protocolled with read and write access for setpoints.

Several machines can be connected at the same time. No additional hardware is necessary. Three levels of network interfacing are possible: Interfacing to your network, output to office PC with graphic presentation (Monforlogic) and interfacing to a process control system to also include machines from other manufacturers.

Heathing Method

Energy input as required:
Direct gas heating
Oil circulation heating
Steam heating
Combined electric/steam heating
Electric heating
Adaptable to the boundary conditions of the particular application and different operating processes for optimum energy utilisation.

Selvedge Gluing Device

At a machine stop, the gluing wheel is automatically lowered and continues to rotate in the glue vat so that the glue does not dry on the gluing wheel. Excess glue is stripped off. When the machine starts again, the gluing wheel is automatically raised into working position.

This ensures a continuous, uniform glue bead on the fabric even at machine stops. For maintenance work the gluing wheel can be removed from its mounting without the use of tools. The glue application is controlled by a patented metering system.


Steaming device (option).
Fabric centre supporting rope (option).

Pinning Device

Synchronised drive systems for efficient pinning and reliable after-pinning even with large overfeeds and highly elastic fabrics. Pneumatic operation for lifting and lowering in process-optimised sequence.

The drive is synchronised with the drive of the stenter chain, thus preventing any shifting of the mesh structure. Long service life of the brush belt as it is not subjected to friction. Suitable for knitted fabric ranges.


Operator-friendly, widely proven design principle. Material and hardness of the roll covers can be chosen to suit the desired finishing processes and fabrics. Version with uniform pressure roller also available. A wide range of variants are available, from liquor trough with minimum capacity through to a trough with long dwell section.

Stenter Machine

The universal and modular Monforts stenter principle offers an individual adaptation to all the demanded finishing effects - and at the same time versatile applications for the range.

Whether for woven and/or knitted fabrics - with the proven “Qualitex” PLC system, the unrivalled TwinAir system and maintenance-free chain technology, Monforts is synonymous with a stenter technology that is as diverse as the latest fashions.

Dyeing With Reactive Dyestuff


With the trend towards smaller lot sizes per colour in continuous dyeing and the requirement for simple processes, the Econtrol process for reactive dyestuffs was developed in the mid-nineties. It has now established itself with DyStar technology worldwide.
The Econtrol® process is a simple, quick and economical one-pass pad - dry - wash off continuous dyeing process with drying in a hot flue at 120-130° C and controlled humidity (25-30% by volume) to obtain fixation in 2 - 3 minutes.

Ideal choice for short or long lot dyeing
Full colour range
Excellent reproducibility of colours
No risk of browning of cellulose fibres thanks to low fixation temperature - bright colours possible
No urea - no fumes - no machine contamination
No salt (easy wash-off of unfixed dyestuff)
Instant colour viewing
Accurate, easy and rapid laboratory check method
No unproductive batching sequences, no moiré effects
Migration minimised by rapid fixation and humidity control
No crushing of pile fabrics (e.g. corduroy)
Improved penetration of difficult fabrics due to presence of humidity during fixation
Energy-efficient thanks to optimum humidity control
Ideal process for fast change technology
Econtrol® is a registered trademark of DyStar.

Econtrol® by comparison with pad/dry pad/steam processes

All standard types of heating system can be employed.

The circulating air is always uniformly heated, irrespective of the heating system employed. The heating chamber extends over the whole width of the machine.

Direct gas burner heating, one burner at each side of the machine
New: Now also with "Exxotherm" indirect gas heating!

Steam or oil circulation heating, one heat exchanger per Thermex unit

Electric heating, one heat exchanger per Thermex unit

Combined steam and electrical
heating system

Modular system technology:

Basic configuration:
PLC. Visualisation and operation at a large, sturdy touchscreen monitor.
Automatic set-up, documentation of
production processes, detailed error messages.